12 Other Covid-19 Treatments That Trump Suggested

Scientists Rejected These, But Why Not Try?

Scott Sleek
2 min readApr 24, 2020

The media and scientific community are unfairly vilifying President Trump for suggesting disinfectant injections as a possible remedy for Covid-19.Why not disinfectant? After all, it kills all kinds of household germs, so why wouldn’t it work on a bug in our bodies?

Granted, Mr. Trump’s suggestion may start a run on Lysol at Costco, but disinfectant is a better potential remedy than anything else uppity scientists have sold us. It’s the president’s job to pursue every possibility to keep us safe, and he’s doing that diligently and brilliantly.

Okay, sure that hydroxychloroquine thing didn’t work out. But it was worth a try. Trump was merely giving us hope that it could end this whole pandemic, but it’s wrong for scientists to rub his nose in the fact that it flopped.

White House sources tell me that Mr. Trump has suggested a variety of other possible medicines and vaccine ingredients that could ward off this terrible coronavirus, and his scientific advisors have ignored them. They reject the need, as the president thoroughly understands, that the crisis calls for a wide net to capture any possible and swift treatment.

Here are Mr. Trump’s buried ideas:

1. Jock-itch cream

2. Lead-based paint

3. Cobra venom

4. Non-dairy creamer

5. Astroglide

6. Kryptonite

7. Thousand Island dressing

8. Pony urine

9. Weed killer

10. Wart remover

11. Enemas

12. The Force

As I’m sure Mr. Trump understands, sometimes the cure is worse than disease, but anything is worth a try to get our economy up and running again. It’s time for scientists to take him seriously. Shame on them for putting safety and evidence first.



Scott Sleek

I write about the science of the human mind and behavior, with a sprinkle of humor.